Giving Tuesday offers opportunity to consider United Way

Author: United Way Steering Committee

2023 Unitedway Website

Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, Nov. 28. It’s the most significant day of the year for nonprofit fundraising. Giving Tuesday offers faculty and staff who haven’t yet pledged to Notre Dame’s 2023 United Way campaign another opportunity to consider doing so. The campaign ends this Friday, Dec. 1.

Deciding whether to give and which charity to support can be overwhelming. As members of the Notre Dame United Way Steering Committee — your colleagues — we can relate. Did you know in St. Joseph County alone, there are 1,600 nonprofits? Giving to United Way is different because with one gift, you’re actually giving to dozens of local agencies that address the conditions entangled with poverty.

This year, new and existing members of the steering committee met twice with United Way of St. Joseph County leadership to gain a better understanding of how UWSJC operates, even making a field trip to its new OneRoof Southeast Neighborhood Center. Many of us participated in the Day of Caring, a day of service at local nonprofits that marks the launch of the campaign at workplaces throughout the county. We also offered feedback for Notre Dame’s campaign, which led to a podcast explaining how United Way works, more raffle prizes and testimonials in NDWorks Weekly on why we give to United Way.

We hope the freshened approach to the campaign and the additional information are helpful to you as you decide whether to give to United Way or another charity this holiday season. It is the season of gratitude, and we thank you for considering United Way.